The effect a social media influencer can have on your brand’s success is significant. Statistics reveal:

  • Almost 40% of Australian consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service after seeing an influencer/blogger posting about it
  • One in four Australians have used blogger or influencer discount codes to make purchases

This shows consumers are paying attention to influencers and it’s affecting their purchasing decisions.

Australia is a global heavyweight in social media usage:

  • 69% of our population use one or more social media platforms, which ranks us in the top quintile globally for active social media users
  • 50% of Australians use social media for 1-3 hours a day
  • A further 18% use it for more than 3 hours a day

If you’re like us, the question you’ll be asking yourself is:

“How can I leverage this to get the best return on my (or my client’s) marketing investment?”

A piece that may be missing from your marketing puzzle is the use of social media influencers to help extend your brand’s reach across the digital world we’re so immersed in. Here’s a couple of things to keep in mind when engaging an influencer:

Pick an influencer that aligns with your brand

There’s no point using an influencer with thousands of followers if their audience aren’t in the market for what you offer. Make sure the influencer you’re working with can help push your message out to those who are likely to take action.

Work together to build the content

This step is often forgotten because it’s easy to let the content creators go and create. However, you might have different ideas about what will make a great post. Have an open discussion with your influencer about what you see are important elements to include and take on board their ideas too – you know your brand/product best and they know their following best. Spending time here can save a lot of time, money and headaches in the future.


Read the 2018 Australian Digital Report

You can also download The State of Social Media and Influencer Marketing in Australia 2018 Report